@article{oai:jpf.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000264, author = {成田, 高宏 and NARITA, Takahiro}, journal = {世界の日本語教育. 日本語教育論集, Japanese language education around the globe ; Japanese language education around the globe}, month = {Jun}, note = {本研究はタイの大学生の日本語学習動機と成績との関係を明らかにし、成績向上のために教師がすべき「日本語教授」以外の役割を考察することを目的とする. 先行研究を参考に30項目からなる日本語学習動機調査票を作成し、バンコクの大学で日本語を専攻する4年生44名に記名で5段階評価させた.その結果 得たデータに因子分析を行ない、抽出された6因子に「文化理解の志向」「統合的志向」「道具的志向」「利益享受志向」「国際性志向」「誘発的志向」と命名した.次に、各学習者の学習成績を基準変数、各因子の因子得点を説明変数とする重回帰分析を行なった.それにより得た標準偏回帰係数によると、「統合的志向」(日本人と友達になりたいからなどの動機) の強い学習者の成績が高く、「利益享受志向」(将来何かいいことがありそうだからといった動機)、「誘発的志向」(親や友人に言われたからなどの動機) の強い学習者の成績が低い傾向にあることがわかった. 調査・分析結果から、利益享受志向・誘発的志向の強い学習者に、統合的志向を持ってもらう機会を与えること、すなわち現地在住の日本人との交流の場を提供することなどが、海外で教える教師のなすべき重要な役割の一つであると提唱したい., The purpose of this study was to research the relationship between motivational factors and the examination scores of university students in Thailand and to propose a new direction for language teachers living in foreign countries. The survey was conducted among 44 students majoring in the Japanese language at a university in Bangkok. The questionnaire was composed of 30 items, each of which the students answered on a scale from "1" (strongly agree) to "5" (strongly disagree). The data was analyzed by means of factor analysis and valimax rotation. As a result, we were able to examine six separate categories regarding psychological mindset: (1) Understanding of Japanese Culture, (2) Integrative Orientation, (3) Instrumental Orientation, (4) Pursuit of Advantages, (5) International Awareness, (6) Incentive Orientation. In the next step, multiple regression analysis was applied where the criterion variable was the mid-term examination scores of the students. As a result, we were able to document the fact that students with Integrative Orientation had higher scores, while those students with low scores were in the categories of Pursuit of Advantages and Incentive Orientation. As a result of this study, we found that language teachers need to offer opportunities that will change the students' mindset from Pursuit of Advantages and Incentive Orientation into Integrative Orientation. This could be achieved, for instance, through cultural exchange opportunities between students and Japanese living overseas., 1, KJ00000611542}, pages = {1--11}, title = {日本語学習動機と成績との関係-タイの大学生の場合-}, volume = {8}, year = {1998}, yomi = {ナリタ, タカヒロ} }