@article{oai:jpf.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000271, author = {島田, めぐみ and 澁川, 晶 and SHIMADA, Megumi and SHIBUKAWA, Aki}, journal = {世界の日本語教育. 日本語教育論集, Japanese language education around the globe ; Japanese language education around the globe}, month = {Jun}, note = {本稿は、日本で働く外国人ビジネス関係者と在日企業の日本語に対するニーズについて扱うものである.調査は在日企業の人事担当者及び外国人ビジネス関係者を対象に、調査票により実施した.回答を分析した結果 、次のことが明らかになった.1) 日本・合弁企業か外資系企業かによって、日本語の使用状況にかなりの差がある.日本・合弁企業が社内のほとんどのコミュニケーションを日本語で行なっているのに対し、外資系企業における日本語の使用は社内活動の種類によって違いが見られた.会話、読み、書き、いずれも外資系企業のほうが「日本語は使用しない」と回答した割合が高い.2) 日本語使用の実際と今後の希望は、会話力については上昇指向があるが、それ以外の技能に関しては差が見られない.3) 日本語力が採用条件になっているか否かは、外国人ビジネス関係者の母語、採用者側の企業形態によって違う.4) 企業は外国人社員に、顧客とのやりとりよりも、まず社内での日本語運用力を求めている.また、外資系企業の日本語に対する要求度は、日本・合弁企業のそれより大幅に低く、要求の内容にも差異がある.5) 会話、読み、書き、いずれの場合も、企業が期待する日本語力以上の力を外国人社員は発揮している., This paper analyzes how necessary Japanese language skills are at companies in Japan. Two types of questionnaires were prepared. One was for Japanese companies and foreign-affiliated firms, and the other was for non-Japanese businesspeople working in Japan. The following points were investigated, based on the replies to the questionnaire. 1) In which areas do non-Japanese businesspeople use Japanese? What is the difference between their present use of Japanese and their hopes for the future? 2) In which situations do companies expect non-Japanese businesspeople to use Japanese? 3) Is there any difference between the present condition of Japanese use by non-Japanese businesspeople and the expectations of companies? The results are: 1) Japanese language use depends greatly on the type of company for which one works. For example, almost all of the businesspeople in Japanese companies use Japanese for in-house communication, however, language usage in foreign-affiliated firms differs according to the type of work been carried out. In the case of conversation skills only, was there a difference between present conditions and future hopes. 2) Companies expect non-Japanese businesspeople to use Japanese for in-house communication first and then for communicating with customers. Japanese companies expect more non-Japanese businesspeople to use Japanese than foreign-affiliated firms do. 3) For all skills?\conversation, reading, writing-non-Japanese businesspeople use more Japanese than their companies expected., 8, KJ00000611549}, pages = {121--140}, title = {外国人ビジネス関係者の日本語使用 -実態と企業からの要望-}, volume = {8}, year = {1998}, yomi = {シマダ, メグミ and シブカワ, アキ} }