@article{oai:jpf.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000287, author = {尹, 鎬淑 and YOON, HoSook}, journal = {世界の日本語教育. 日本語教育論集, Japanese language education around the globe ; Japanese language education around the globe}, month = {Jun}, note = {日・韓両言語は、近代以降西欧語の影響で著しく発達したものとしてよく指摘されている。本稿は、近世や近・現代における小説の実証的研究を通 じ、日・韓両言語の受身表現が、西欧的受身表現の移入とともにどのように変遷したかを考察したものである。その結果 、程度の差はあれ、両言語ともに使用頻度だけでなく統語的にも西欧語受身表現の影響を受けたことが明らかになった。, Since the modern age, both the Japanese and Korean languages are said to have developed significantly under the infiuence of West European languages. In this paper, through demonstrative research of the early modern age and modern novels, observations are made on how passive expressions in Japanese and Korean have changed, following introduction of the West European passive expressions. As a result, it was found that regardless of the difference in level, both languages did show changes in passive expressions in the frequency of usage and in syntax., 9, KJ00000611565}, pages = {133--147}, title = {近代日・韓両言語における受身表現の変遷 : 小説を中心に}, volume = {9}, year = {1999}, yomi = {ユン, ホスク} }