@article{oai:jpf.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000321, author = {山口, 和代 and YAMAGUCHI, Kazuyo}, journal = {世界の日本語教育. 日本語教育論集, Japanese language education around the globe ; Japanese language education around the globe}, month = {Jun}, note = {人は他国の人々に対してさまざまなイメージを持っているが、それらは往々にしてステレオタイプ的なイメージである場合が多い。このようなイメージが形成される要因には文化、習慣、 非言語および言語行動等さまざまなものが考えられるが、その一要因として言語ストラテジーの選択の相違も見逃すわけにはいかない。本研究では中国人留学生および台湾人留学生と日本人母語話者に対して行なった記述式調査から、彼らが互いに抱いているイメージと彼らが使用する日本語表現の相違を分析し、考察を行なった。 調査の結果、中国人および台湾人留学生の日本人に対するイメージにはある種ほぼ共通したイメージがあるが、一般にほとんど同じかあるいは類似した文化を持つといわれる中国人・台湾人留学生はお互いに抱いているイメージにかなり相違があることがわかった。また、文化によって文脈の持つ意味や、 行動や言動を左右する視点に違いがあることが明らかとなり、言語表現には、まず何を重視すべきか、 何を伝えるべきかという価値観の相違が大きく影響していると考えられた。 異文化コミュニケーションにおいては意図せずして誤解を招く場合もあり、表面に現れたコミュニケーションスタイルからだけではなく、その背景に社会や文化といった要因が深く関わっているという認識を持った上で相互理解を目指すことが重要だと考える。, The objective of this paper is to investigate the influence of cultural factors on speech through two related studies: (1) a study of Japanese expressions used by foreign students from China and Taiwan, and (2) an analysis of the images these two groups of students have of Japanese people of each other. Subjects evaluated included: graduate students from China and Taiwan,Japanese graduate students, and Japanese office workers. The subjects were asked to describe their images of each other and of themselves in five words and then to complete the Discourse Completion Test. Some subjects from each group were also interviewed. First, I analyze the results of the image evaluations, and then I analyze the results of the expression test and interviews. The findings derived from the study on images show that the Chinese and Taiwanese students tested have some stereotypical images of Japanese people. In addition, the results show that Chinese and Taiwanese students have different images of each other --- contrary to the commonly held belief that they are all of one "Chinese culture." Similar to the image study, the results of the expression test and interviews also demonstrated that cultural backgrounds and priorities influence the expressions used in Japanese. The subjects often unconsciously chose expressions in Japanese that were determined by the rules and value systems that prevail in their own cultures. Thus, a stereotypical or one-sided image of other cultures was sometimes presented. In a similar way, even teaching staff, administrative staff, and clerical workers who assist foreign students on a daily basis are often unaware of their own cultural bias in evaluating foreign students. To help make academic and daily life a positive experience for foreign students, university staff must become more aware of these issues. We all should be sensitive to the fact that most people act unconsciously according to their own set of cultural values, and that the priorities of one's own culture are most likely different from those of other cultures., 15, KJ00000611448}, pages = {225--241}, title = {留学生の日本語表現と文化の影響 : イメージ調査と言語表現調査から}, volume = {11}, year = {2001}, yomi = {ヤマグチ, カズヨ} }