@article{oai:jpf.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000354, author = {黄, 文溥 and HUANG, Wenpu}, journal = {世界の日本語教育. 日本語教育論集, Japanese language education around the globe ; Japanese language education around the globe}, month = {Sep}, note = {本稿は、まず事実確認から出発し、従来見過ごされてきた「永続的変化の結果状態の続き」や「変化過程の続き」「属性の続き」などといったシツヅケルの用法も視野に入れ、アスペクト的性格からシツヅケルの意味分析を行なうものである。シツヅケルの前項の中心的なメンバーは持続性・動態・非限界といった素性を持つが、周辺的なメンバーは持続性・動態・限界あるいは持続性(永続性、長期性)・静態・非限界のいずれかを持つ。シツヅケルの用法は持続性、動態、非限界といった素性と関連して、言いやすいものから言いにくいものへと度合いを持つ現象である。こうした現象の一面は、前項のアスペクト的性格と後項の意味との複雑なからみあいから説明できる。, This paper investigates the meaning of the complex verb shitsuzukeru in terms of its aspectual features. It points out some of the shitsuzukeru’s uses ignored by researchers, such as “the continuation of a permanent state resulting from a change,” “the continuation of a change,” and “the continuation of a property.” It can be concluded that the prototypical uses of shitsuzukeru have covered the former element shi- durative dynamic atelic as its aspectual features. The peripheral uses of shitsuzukeru involve that shi- is durative dynamic only or shi- is durative atelic only. In relation to the aspectual features, the grammaticality of shitsuzukeru changes from typical examples, unnatural examples to ungrammatical examples by degree. The mechanism of the shitsuzukeru’s uses come from the interaction of the aspectual features of shi- and the meaning of -tsuzukeru., 9, KJ00004165861}, pages = {149--165}, title = {シツヅケルの意味分析}, volume = {14}, year = {2004} }