@article{oai:jpf.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000059, author = {上野, 一彦 and 大隅, 敦子 and Ueno, Kazuhiko and Oosumi, Atsuko}, issue = {4}, journal = {国際交流基金日本語教育紀要, The Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Education Bulletin}, month = {Mar}, note = {日本語能力試験は1994年度より障害を持つ受験者に対する特別措置を開始し、2006年度は95名がこの措置を利用している。中でもLD(学習障害)等と分類される学習障害や注意欠陥・多動障害、高機能自閉症に関する措置については、原則を立てつつ試行を重ねている段階である。 一方坂根(2000)によれば、既に日本語教育の現場でもLD(学習障害)等に相当する障害を持つ学習者を受け入れており、教師は「LD学習者の対応は、学習目標、LDの程度や症状の問題など、多くの要因が複雑にからみあうため、一律の対応をするのがよいのか」と懸念しているという。 本稿ではLD(学習障害)等の中核をなすと言われる発達性ディスレクシアに焦点を当て、専門家と実施主体が連携しながら、WAIS-Ⅲをはじめとする認知・記憶特性を理解し、特性に基づいた過去の措置を踏まえて特別措置審査を行っているさまを、実際の事例とともに紹介する。, The Japan Foundation has been accommodating disabled applicants from oversea through non-standard testing arrangements. Over 500 examinees have taken the Japanese language Proficiency Test(JLPT)under special arrangements due to their disabilities, and the Japan Foundation has been successful in accommodating the majority of applicants with visual, hearing and physical disabilities. However, the foundation has been struggling to accommodate applicants with learning disabilities(LD)as their factors, mechanisms are not yet clarified. Sakane, a researcher and Japanese language teacher said,“Japanese language teachers worry about whether or not it is right to deal with LD students as their disabilities are so varied” This report focuses on developmental dyslexia, which is said to be a“core”disability within LD, and describes how the Japan Foundation carried out examinations in two cases. In these cases, reports on the examinees which were written by psychologist, including WAIS―III results, which are part of application form, are very useful Information about past experiences in making special arrangements are also useful., 12, KJ00004855438, 実践報告, Practice Report}, pages = {157--167}, title = {日本語能力試験における発達性ディスレクシア(読字障害)への特別措置}, year = {2008}, yomi = {ウエノ, カズヒコ and オオスミ, アツコ} }