@article{oai:jpf.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000675, author = {木田, 真理 and 山本, 実佳 and YAMAMOTO, Mika and KIDA, Mari and YAMAMOTO, Mika}, issue = {14}, journal = {国際交流基金日本語教育紀要, The Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Education Bulletin}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿は、外国人日本語教師(Non-Native Teacher 以下、NNT)を対象とした中・上級の文法授業において、NNT が帰国後も自己の課題を認識し、自律的に日本語に向き合い分析する力を育成することを目標に行った授業の実践報告である。本実践では、日本語の分析能力を育成するために必要な要素を、「日本語の実態を客観的に観察し」「自分でルールを考え」「必要な情報を取捨選択し整理する」と考え、この3つの要素を取り入れ文法授業を実践した。分析能力育成の試みの中から、「調べ学習」「用例探索」「おもしろ日本語発見」について以下に報告する。そして、受講したNNT への質問紙調査から、分析能力育成の可能性を探った。NNT はこの実践を通して、主体的に活動することや協働することで、ある程度分析能力が高まったと評価しており、文法授業についてのイメージの変容も確認された。, This is a study report on intermediate to advanced grammar lessons for Non-Native Teachers (hereinafter NNTs) that were given to develop their ability to recognize their own assignments, and address and analyze Japanese spontaneously, even after they go back to their countries. In this study, grammar lessons were given adopting three factors that were considered to develop analytical ability for Japanese : “observe the actual condition of Japanese objectively”, “work out rules on their own”, and “sort out and put in order necessary information”. From our attempt to develop analytical ability, this paper presents our trials for “investigative learning”, “example searching” and “discovering interesting (omoshiro) Japanese”. And then, the possibility for development of analytical ability was explored in the questionnaire forms collected from the NNTs. The NNTs perceived that they had developed their ability for analysis to an extent by acting on their own initiative and working collaboratively through the lessons. Changes in images they have about grammar lessons were also confirmed.}, pages = {35--49}, title = {日本語の分析能力を養う中・上級文法授業の試み-外国人日本語教師研修における実践-}, year = {2018}, yomi = {キダ, マリ and ヤマモト, ミカ} }