@article{oai:jpf.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000078, author = {長坂, 水晶 and Nagasaka, Miaki}, issue = {6}, journal = {国際交流基金日本語教育紀要, The Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Education Bulletin}, month = {Mar}, note = {通訳養成に携わる非母語話者日本語教師を対象に「通訳トレーニング入門」の授業を行った。授業では、通訳の過程に沿った一言語の活動(日本語から日本語への再表現)を体験し、活動の目的や効果についても話し合った。活動は理解力、記憶力、表現力、要約力、ストラテジー力の養成につながるものを扱った。参加者への授業後のアンケートでは全員が自国での通訳養成や日本語授業に取り組む自信につながったと答えている。また短期間であったにも関わらず、全員が運用力の伸びを自覚している。参加者の間には運用力の差があったが、全員がグループによる活動に積極的に参加し、関係が良好なことも観察された。通訳養成のための活動を体験・分析・考察する授業を通して、非母語話者日本語教師を対象とした研修で通訳養成のための教授法を扱う必要性と効果が確認された。, This paper reports on an “Introduction to Interpreter Training” course for non-native Japanese language teachers. During class, instructor tried out monolingual exercises encountered in interpretation(rephrasing Japanese into Japanese), and participants had talked about the goals and advantages of the exercises. They completed exercises in Japanese aimed at building skills in listening comprehension, memorizing, self-expression, summarizing and strategies for interpreting. In a questionnaire given at the end of the course, participants said they felt more confident about teaching interpreting skills and Japanese courses in their home countries. Additionally, all participants felt their Japanese language abilities had improved despite the short period of time. And though abilities varied among the teachers, all participated well in group exercises and formed good relationships. The results obtained from the course demonstrate that interpreter training skills can and should be addressed in training programs for non-native Japanese language teachers through experiential, analytical and discussion-based courses., 4, KJ00006032360, 実践報告, Practical Report}, pages = {57--72}, title = {通訳養成に携わる非母語話者日本語教師のための教授法授業 : 通訳訓練法を扱った実践}, year = {2010}, yomi = {ナガサカ, ミアキ} }