@article{oai:jpf.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000079, author = {長田, 佳奈子 and 中沢, 徳子 and 北村, 武士 and 十河, 俊輔 and Osada, Kanako and Nakazawa, Noriko and Kitamura, Takeshi and Sogo, Shunsuke}, issue = {6}, journal = {国際交流基金日本語教育紀要, The Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Education Bulletin}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿では2007、2008年に実施した国際交流基金ソウル日本文化センターにおける韓国中等教育機関への日本語ネイティブ留学生派遣プログラム(約50校へ延べ64人の留学生を派遣。約8000人の生徒が日本語の授業で留学生に接した)の運営方法および成果について報告する。留学生がゲストで入ったことにより授業が活性化され、生徒の学習動機や日本への関心が高まるなどの効果が見られた。生徒および留学生のアンケートからは概ね肯定的な評価が得られた。また、教師の授業報告から、留学生の協力・参加による授業を考え実施することで教師がコミュニケーション重視の授業について再考し、ふだんの授業を見直すきっかけになったことが窺える。また、教師ではない留学生にどのように協力・参加してもらうかなど、プログラム実施中に現れた課題とその対応策にも触れる。このプログラムは参加者から好評を得たが、海外におけるネイティブ参加授業の一形態として紹介したい。, In 2007 and 2008, The Japan Foundation, Seoul implemented a dispatch program in which Japanese exchange students participate in Japanese language classes at Korean secondary education schools. (This program was extended to approximately 50 schools with 64 exchange students dispatched. Around 8, 000 students participated in Japanese language classes attended by exchange students. )This paper reports on administrative procedures and results of the program. Exchange students attended classes as guests, with the results being a livelier classroom atmosphere and increased student motivation and interest in Japan. The survey results from Korean students and the exchange students were positive overall. Additionally, in class reports, instructors told us that through thinking about and conducting classes in which exchange students participated and leant their cooperation, it gave instructors an opportunity to reconsider communication-oriented classes and rethink their typical classes. We also touch on issues encountered during the program and ways to handle them such as how exchange students who are inexperienced at teaching can participate and lend cooperation. This program was very well received by participants and we recommend it as a prototype for native speaker participation in Japanese language classrooms overseas., 5, KJ00006032419, 実践報告, Practical Report}, pages = {73--89}, title = {韓国中等教育機関への留学生ボランティア派遣プログラム実践報告 : 国際交流基金ソウル日本文化センターにおける日本語ネイティブ・ゲスト派遣の試み}, year = {2010}, yomi = {オサダ, カナコ and ナカザワ, ノリコ and キタムラ, タケシ and ソゴウ, シュンスケ} }